100 Universities-

100 Keynotes

Let's get the students of today ready for the challenges of tomorrow!

The real education starts after the graduation...

Study. Work. Retire. This old pattern is gone forever. "Lifelong learning" is one of the most important skills of the future.

Todays graduates need to reskill every five to ten years. And by "reskilling" I'm not talking about a two day seminar, but rather about a six month education programm. But that alone won't be enough. To stay relevant in a more and more digitized and automatised world, they need to focus on their soft skills.

That's my mission: To inspire as many students as possible to skill up themselves. To develop their 9 Future Work Skills and be ready for the future workplace.

Future Work Skills - english

Do you want your university to become fit for future?

  1. 1
    Check your calendar
    Do you have an upcoming event where my Keynote would be the perfect fit? Welcome day, Career day, Business fair, Graduation .....?
  2. 2
    Let's get in touch
    Just klick the button below and get in touch with me. I'll answer you within 24 hours to discuss the next steps.
  3. 3
    Just do it!
    We speak about the setup and length of my speech and fix the final date! I'll send you all the materials you need upfront and look forward to meeting your students.
Simon Büschges

Simon Büschges

Yenching Scholar, Peking University 

Using great stories and unique examples, Dennis is able to paint a vivid picture of the future of work and the skills needed to succeed in it.

Because of his dynamic and interactive presentation style, the Yenching Academy students really enjoyed Dennis' talk. Several of them told me afterwards that they were inspired to dive deeper into the topic and integrate his advice into their daily lives.

Thank you for the fascinating talk, Dennis!

Andrés Antolín Hofrichter

Andrés Antolín Hofrichter

direktor duale europäische wirtschaftsakademie madrid

Dennis war der perfekte Key Note Speaker für unsere Auftaktveranstaltung der EWA Summer School. Sein Input zum Thema Future Work Skills war nicht nur für unsere Studierenden, sondern auch für unser Team eine große Inspiration. Dennis besitzt eine enorme Sachkenntnis, zeichnet sich aber darüber hinaus durch seine Fähigkeit aus, auch in einer Online-Veranstaltung sein Publikum zu begeistern und für dieses extrem wichtige Thema zu interessieren. Vielen Dank aus Madrid! 

Prof. Dr. Alexander Hennig

Head of Department - BWL Digital Commerce Management DHBW

Dennis Fischer hat die Studentinnen und Studenten mit seinem praxisnahen Vortrag und den zahlreichen Beispielen begeistert. Spannend und kurzweilig hat er sie inspiriert und ihnen Mut zur Veränderung gemacht! Beeindruckend, wie Dennis Fischer die Möglichkeiten des virtuellen Vortrags ausschöpft!

Philipp Greiner

Philipp Greiner

President ESB Reutlingen Alumni e.V.

Lifelong learning is an important concern for us as the ESB Business School Alumni Association and is high on our agenda. Learning does not end with graduation. Therefore, we were especially pleased that our alumnus Dennis shared great insights with our students and alumni in his inspiring keynote.


Anna-Sophie Risch

WFI-Talente - Karriereportal der WFI-Ingolstadt School of Management (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

In a very entertaining and entertaining way Dennis gave our students new impulses around Future Work Skills and Optimal Self-Management. Thank you very much for your very successful keynote at our career fair and the great workshop at the WFI-Ingolstadt School of Management (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)!

Anna Altmann - Uni Freiburg

Anna Altmann


We enjoyed Dennis’ fresh digital keynote and the following open discussion about future work skills. Especially in the field of educational psychology and teaching, it is essential to think two steps ahead in the context of learning. The department of Educational Science at the University of Freiburg will definitely keep talking about your ideas. Thank you, Dennis, for inspiring us!

Fridtjof Bahlburg - Uni Münster

Fridtjof Bahlburg

Geschäftsführer AlumniUM e.V. (Universität münster)

In an entertaining keynote Dennis provided our students with valuable insights into what awaits them once they finished their studies and enter the job market. As he pointed out, the hard skills taught at University are only a small part of the relevant work skills. Even more important are soft skills, or as Dennis calls them “Future Work Skills”, students need to constantly hone and refine in order to put themselves in a position to succeed. With the input from Dennis’ keynote our students are well equipped to tackle the challenges of an ever-changing working world.

Sven Adolf HHL Leipzig

Sven Adolf

Mitorganisator Accelerate@hhl leipzig

Als Gründer hat mich Dennis Buch mit seinen komprimierten Ratschlägen echt begeistert. Umso glücklicher bin ich, dass wir ihn für die größte Start-up Konferenz Ostdeutschlands Accelerate@HHL als Speaker gewinnen konnten, damit er sein Wissen mit anderen teilt. 

Profilbild Sabine Betz-Ungerer

Sabine Betz-Ungerer

Geschäftsführerin Ohm professional school (TH Nürnberg)

Wie sieht die Arbeit von morgen aus und welche Fähigkeiten sind dafür entscheidend? Eine Hochschule, die diese Frage wirklich ernst nimmt, kommt an den Future Work Skills nicht vorbei. Bei seiner virtuelle Keynote brachte Dennis Fischer die zentralen Aspekte auf den Punkt - spannend, leidenschaftlich und mit viel Humor. Danke, Dennis, für deinen bereichernden Vortrag bei unserer Praxisrunde zur Digitalisierung!

Olaf Ledderboge - HAW Hamburg

Olaf Ledderboge

Alumni Manager, HAW Hamburg

Wie arbeiten wir in der Zukunft? Und was macht uns dann erfolgreich? Dennis bringt wichtige Entwicklungen direkt auf den Punkt, mit klaren Statements und guten Beispielen! Und man merkt einfach, dass er für das Future Work-Thema richtig brennt und andere mitreißt. Danke aus Hamburg!

Copyright Dennis Fischer